Chapter 4 - Excess Carriers and Relaxation (pt. 2)

ECE 4339
Han Q. Le (copyrighted) U. of Houston

3. Population relaxation

3.1 Population dynamics concept

The Lynx and Hare Oscillation Model

This is a famous, simple but powerful model, which was the basis of a masters thesis at MIT in the 1970s. The student was supervised by J. W. Forrester himself, and the paper was very well written and researched. It starts with arctic hares (large rabbits). The number of hares is given by the level Hares. This intial number of hares is 5E4 in STELLA which is equal to  50,000. The Hares population increases by Hare Births, and decreases by Hare Deaths. The model runs over a matter of 40 years.

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Notice that the lynx population has a slight phase delay after the hare population.

3.2 Decaying

Let the population density be n[t]. At anytime, carriers are generated spontaneously at a rate G per unit volume per unit time. The popuplation decays (dying) at the rate of n τ where τ is called lifetime.  Then, the population equation is:
                     Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_3.gif

What is the steady state population?

At steady state: Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_4.gif
Hence: Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_5.gif
Thus:                               n=G τ
The carrier lifetime is intrinsic GaAs at room temperature is ~ 1 ns. What is the rate of spontaneous electron-hole generation?

At t=0, let population be Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_6.gif, let the carrier generation rate be P (stand for pump), what is the population as a function of time?

We can solve the differential equation:
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The solution is:
                                          Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_10.gif
At t=0:                             Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_11.gif
Hence:                              Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_12.gif

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Notice that as t-> ∞, the steady state population is again: n(∞)=P τ

Consider a country with negative growth rate (like Japan) and assume also that all immigrants to the country also adopt the same negative growth rate of -0.5% per year. If the country population is 100 M, how long does it take for the population to drop to 80 M?

How much is the immigration rate (immigrants/yr) needed to maintain the country at 80 M in long term?

App Demo: Population vs. Time

3.3 Diffusion

Concept of diffusion discussed in class. See this demo:

Key concepts in diffusion are gradient and flux.
Flux: the number of particles cross a unit area per unit time: F
Gradient: ∇n
Example, what is the gradient of the population distribution below?
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To calculate the gradient:

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Demo App: Illustration of 2D Gaussian Distribution Gradient

The diffusion flux is oppositely proportional to the gradient:
                                F=-D ∇n
where D is the diffusion coefficient.
Since carriers are charged, as they diffuse, they generate diffusion current:
                             J= e F
which is proportional to the carrier gradient:
                              J=- e D ∇n

Look at the stream plot, think of water streams flowing down from a hill.

Let n be the population within a volume V enclosed in a surface. Suppose the carrier can be generated, decay, and diffuse:
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From equation:          F=-D ∇n
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We will be using this equation in diode problem. (Example of 1D solution is shown in next section)

A key concept: mobility

Compare: gas, liquid, solid.
Behavior of gas molecules when additional population is introduced.
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Cu diffusion in Si discussion

4. Drift and diffusion currents

Any movement of charge carriers results in a current. Here, we learn a type of current different from the common drift current that we are most familiar with: diffusion current.
To combine both drift and diffusion current:

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See homework on drift current of a photoconductor.

Below is a light pulse transmitted in a fiber. Notice what happens as the pulse travels.

Demo: GVD pulse broadening

Demo: 2 Pulses of different pulsewidth

5. p-n junction

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5.1 Review homework

Principle of detailed balancing. If we have the following case:

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The left hand side Fermi level is different from the right. What'll happen?
Carriers diffuse, left goes right and vice versa.
The rate of left going to right = density of occupied states of left x density of UNOCCUPIED of right:
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Vice versa for the other way and both MUST be equal at equilibrium
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We see that this implies: Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_35.gif
What it means is that the Fermi Level must be equal.

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How do they get to the same level?
At -∞ and +∞ we have:

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The Fermi levels at  -∞ and +∞ stay the same relative to the band. So, if they level, the band MUST shift relative to each other. We'll learn how in Chapter 5.
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Demo App: Junction Band Diagram at Equilibrium with Simplified Space Charge

5.2 Diffusion across a junction

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Recall from Chapter 3

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Consider just one type of carriers for simplicity.

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5.3 Example of 1D diffusion

See 5.4 below for homework

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See more examples below.

5.4 For Homework

In the follow, calculate and plot the carrier density in a thin layer of semiconductor under uniform carrier pumping (either optically or by e-beam).

5.4.1 Example 1

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Consider the semiconductor as infinite. Let the semiconductor be excited for just the right half. Assume that the semiconductor layer is very thin and the carrier generation is uniform in horizontally and vertically. Assume also that the carrier is intrisic and its intrinsic carrier density is very low, and we can neglect it. (In this problem, we are interested only in excess carriers that are generated by external excitation).
Assume for simplicity that electrons and holes have the same diffusion coefficient and they diffuse together (ambipolar diffusion). What is the carrier distribution and its flux at steady state?

We start by solving the steady state diffusion equation. Let n[x] be the carrier density:
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where Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_52.gif , P is pump rate or the number of carriers generated per second, per unit volune, and τ is the carrier lifetime. Recall the definition of diffusion length above: Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_53.gif where D is the diffusion coefficient.

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Hence, the most general solution is: Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_56.gif.
Applying the solution of each half of the semiconductor. For the left half, we can’t have non-vanishing term Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_57.gif because it would mean carrier density approaches to ∞ at x-> -∞. Also, the pump rate is zero for the left half. Hence, the solution is:
                               Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_58.gif
where we use the term Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_59.gif instead of Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_60.gif to indicate that Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_61.gif is the carrier density at x=0.
The flux is:              Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_62.gif
The thing we don’t know is Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_63.gif.

For the right half, it is:
                               Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_64.gif
in which we drop Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_65.gif for the same reason at x-> ∞.

We can rewrite it slightly differently by defining a quantity Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_66.gif such that:
                                    Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_67.gif
Then:                      Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_68.gif
The flux is:              Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_69.gif

The thing we don’t know is Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_70.gif.

How do we determine Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_71.gif and Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_72.gif?

We can plot the solution below:

Demo App: Illustration: Optical Excitation Ambipolar Diffusion

5.4.2 Case 2

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See explanation in section 5.4.1 above. In this case, only one segment of the semiconductor is excited. We now have 3 segments: left, center, and right. The solutions are

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                                 Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_76.gif
where we introduce the factor Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_77.gif just for convenience. It is just a constant, but we’ll see that it is quite convenient for the determination of Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_78.gif and Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_79.gif.

For the center,  we have the most general solution:
                         Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_80.gif.
here, we can keep both Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_81.gif and Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_82.gif because neither term gives us ∞ like the left and right solution. We can rewite it:
                          Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_83.gif.

So, here, we have 4 unknowns: Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_84.gif, Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_85.gif and Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_86.gif
(Guess what simple relationships there might be between Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_87.gif, Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_88.gif and Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_89.gif, Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_90.gif)

We can plot the solution below:

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Demo App: Illustration: Optical Excitation Ambipolar Diffusion - Example 2: Center Illumination

6. Ambipolar (bipolar) carrier diffusion

When the diffusion involves opposite charge carriers, we call ambipolar diffusion. It is relevant only when both populations are significant relatively (not when one is much >> than the other). Examples are in p-n junction with comparable doping, optical pumping. The main effect is that they diffuse together because of electric force attraction that will pull one population back to the other if one diffuse faster than the other. Electrons generally diffuse faster than holes in most semiconductors (Chapter 4 - Excess carriers_web_Part2_94.gif). But it doesn't mean electrons will diffuse away from holes. They will maintain charge neutrality.

7. Example: a professional research paper

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