Lightwave Polarization

ECE 5368/6358               han q le - copyrighted
Use solely for students registered for UH ECE 6358/5368 during courses - DO NOT distributed (copyrighted materials)

1. Introduction

1.0 Prolog

We know that E and H are vectors, and so far, we sometimes treat them as single-component (or scalar) for convenience. But for many optical phenomena, the vectorial nature of light is quite important. This is what we refer to as “polarization” and will study here.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_1.gif  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_2.gif   
LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_3.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_4.gif   

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_5.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_6.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_7.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_8.gif
Yoav Y. Schechner and Nir Karpel. Recovery of Underwater Visibility and Structure by Polarization Analysis, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol.30 , No.3 , pp. 570-587  (2005).

1.1 Plane wave revisited

See Plane wave demo link.

2. Example: polarization in dipole radiation

Find a most common concept in these pictures

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_9.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_10.gif       

In the follow, skip the math if it appears too complex, focus on understanding various illustration. Understand what each graph plots and what key property it shows.

2.0 General discussion

Where do polarization come from? From the fundamental perspective of quantum theory, polarization comes from the spin state of the photon, since it is a particle with spin angular momentum J=1. But classically, we can also see where the polarization come from. A good example is the radiation from a dipole.

An excited electron (in atoms, molecules, or condensed matter) can lose its energy by emitting photons, a process known as emission. (Later on, we will learn that emission can be spontaneous or by stimulation). But a key feature of the transition is the electric moment of the transition. Most common is dipole moment, which means that the quantum mechanical transition has the classical equivalence with dipole radiation.

Semi-classical quantum description

Note: “semi-classical” because we don’t treat the photons as fully quantized field coupled with electrons but only as A.p in LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_11.png
The term LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_12.png treated as LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_13.png
is considered as “classical” treatment of the EM field.
We will see that the momentum operator p allows transitions only between certain electronic quantum states, known as “selection rule” because of angular momentum conservation.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_14.gif       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_15.gif

We know that diode lasers around us emit polarized light. Where does that come from? In fact, it comes from atomic transition as shown above.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_16.gif    

Right around the bandgap Γ point:
- The conduction band is like an S state, l=0 and electron spin s=1/2:
                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_17.png or       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_18.png (or conduction band LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_19.png )
- The valence band is like a spin-orbit coupled P-state: l=1 coupled with s=1/2 to give us:
                   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_20.png
-  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_21.png is known as the split-off band (pink band above)
- LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_22.png consists of 4 states grouped into 2: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_23.png: heavy hole (because its mass is usually heavier than the other 2 states), and  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_24.png: light hole states for the reverse reason.
- At k=0 (Γ point in Brillouin zone), light holes and heavy holes are degenerate: they have the same energy, but...
- With quantum well (or strains or any other external perturbation such as magnetic field), they separate in energy and light emitted from the condition band l=0, m=0 to heavy holes (usually the lowest energy states) or light holes (in some cases) is a dipole transition, resulting in an angular momentum change of the electron, which is imparted on the photon spin:
                      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_25.png with    {Δm}=1
- Linear polarization is a linear combination of {1,1> and {1,-1> also known as LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_26.png and LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_27.png states of the photon.

Because LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_28.png  term, and p is in the plane of the QW, the transition E-field is parallel with the quantum well (QW) plane, we have TE polarization. When the transition dipole moment is perpendicular to the QW plane, we have TM polarization.

Extra note: for those who are interested, Mathematica has built in Clebsch-Gordan coefficient:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_29.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_30.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_31.png

Which means simply: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_32.png
These are the heave hole spin states

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_33.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_34.png

Which means simply: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_35.png
                                  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_36.png
These are the light hole spin states. Transitions from conduction band electron LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_37.png to heavy-hole states have larger coefficients than those to light-hole states.

Classical EM description

Classical dipole radiation is a very good simple example where polarization comes from. Also, it is a spherical wave rather than plane wave, and hence, do not associate polarization exclusively with plane wave that we happened to use as an example in previous chapters.

We will see that in the farfield, plane wave approximation can be applied locally on a point on the wavefront. Here, we will see how plane wave polarization we learn previously is connected to the dipole radiation we are studying here.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_38.gif

Here, the polarization comes from the source dipole. It is intuitively obvious: if the electrons oscillate along an axis, we would expect the E field should be oriented along the same axis. In addition, we know that the field should be perpendicular to propagation vector k. Thus, we infer that the polarization should be along the axis that is the intercept of the 2 planes: the plane containing the dipole and the plane perpendicular to k.

    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_39.gif

Indeed, this is the case.

   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_40.gif  

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_41.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_42.gif  

2.1 Classical dipole radiation fields and power

We don’t have to get into details here (see chapter on scattering and dipole scattering), but it is sufficient to summarize key properties and see illustration to gain insight on polarization.
In quantum mechanics (not this course), we will learn that the semi-classical field for the transition is the A . p

The radiating magnetic field from a dipole is:  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_43.png
The electric field is:  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_44.png  
                                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_45.png

Far field scattering: k r is very large k r >> 1
              LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_46.png   
Note that:  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_47.png

Let p be in the z direction, then: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_48.png
                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_49.png
                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_50.png
Take the real part: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_51.png
                             LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_52.png

Let's look at the Poynting vector of the radiation field:
LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_53.png
since LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_54.png as E is orthogonal to LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_55.png      (LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_56.png )
      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_57.png
Thus, the Poynting vector is just a spherical outward field:
                                           LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_58.png
that has a simple angular dependence: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_59.png

2.2 Dipole radiation intensity pattern

From the above, in the FF, the dipole radiation is essentially a spherical wave.
But its power is NOT directionally uniform.
The power density radiation FF pattern is simply:
                                             LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_60.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_61.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_62.gif

This is the radial plot of intensity: it is strongest at the belly (equator) and zero at the north and south poles.  

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_63.gif   Note how similar it is to Cos[θ] law of incident power.

This is another plot of the time-averaged Poynting vector in a vertical plane (meridional plane).

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_64.gif

In the FF, the dipole is just like a point source and the phasefront is spherical as shown. However, notice the plot shows that the intensity (vector length), is large at the equator and decreases toward to the poles.

2.3 Dipole E field

2.3.1 Vectorial plot of E field

As discussed above:
  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_65.gif

The E field is always along the North-South line.

Demo dipole E field meridional plane

2.3.2 Amplitude of E field

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_67.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_68.gif

Demo E field density plot

2.4 Dipole H field

In the far field: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_70.png ~  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_71.png
                            ~  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_72.png
                            ~  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_73.png

H is ONLY in plane parallel to x-y, in other words, it is always parallel to the equatorial plane.

Demo H field equatorial plane

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_75.gif

Additional simulation

2.5 Both E and H

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_76.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_77.gif

Regardless of the exact nature of a phasefront, if λ << than the phasefront curvature at a local point, the polarization at that point can be thought in terms of that of a plane wave that is tangential to the phase front at that point.

3. General theoretical polarization description

3.1 General expression

In general, for plane wave or where we can approximate as a plane wave (in the tangential plane to a phasefront), we can choose locally z-direction to be along LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_79.png, then, the electric field can be written:
                                                   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_80.png     (3.1.1a)
where  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_81.png is a vector that can be projected in a Cartesian coordinate system of the tangential plane, which is x-y plane:
                                                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_82.png = LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_83.png LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_84.png + LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_85.png LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_86.png        (3.1.1b)
Obviously, we may ask, why not choosing either LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_87.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_88.png to be along LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_89.png so that LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_90.png becomes single component?
The problem is, why do we assume that LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_91.png and LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_92.png are real? Because only then, we can choose an angle φ such that:            
                              LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_93.png     (3.1.2)
and by rotating the x-y axis by φ, we can have a new coordinate such that LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_94.png is along the new axis x.   

But if we have to express LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_95.png in the most general way, we should write:                                 
                                      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_96.png= |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_97.png| LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_98.png ;  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_99.png= |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_100.png| LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_101.png          (3.1.3)
then                               LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_102.png = ( LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_103.png  |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_104.png| LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_105.png +  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_106.png |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_107.png| LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_108.png )  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_109.png       (3.1.4a)
or                                   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_110.png = ( LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_111.png  |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_112.png|  +  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_113.png |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_114.png| LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_115.png )  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_116.png       (3.1.4b)
Notice that only the phase difference LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_117.png matters, because LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_118.png is just an arbitrary phase term that can be added to the common term LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_119.png which can be made equivalent with a translation of z origin or a time origin shift.
If LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_120.png, we can’t  rotate the x-y axes in such a way that LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_121.png will be along either the new LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_122.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_123.png.
What happens to the polarization if LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_124.png then?

In the following demonstration, we define LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_125.png, to designate as the retard phase, such that negative φ or Δφ means “late”, “retard” and positive phase means “early” or “advance” of y component relative to x. It is like an airplane is scheduled to arrive at 8:00 AM, but is late and arrives 8:20 AM. Then the time discrepancy: 8:00 AM- 8:20 AM = -20 minutes is the loss time and negative. The opposite is extra time gain and positive.

Demo basic polarization

3.2 Circular polarization

If φ=0, we have linear polarization as seen above. Linear polarization may appear most “natural” to us.

Yet, from the more fundamental perspective of quantum theory, photon is a spin-1 particle with angular momentum J=1. But having zero rest mass, it can have only 2 spin states LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_127.png=+- 1. For a monochromatic plane wave moving in z-direction, the eigen-spin-state for J projected along the k-vector axis corresponds to either right-handed circular polarized wave (LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_128.png=+1) or left-handed circularly polarized wave (LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_129.png=-1) .

What is exactly “circularly” polarized wave? We can see it in the follow by illustrating the general expression in Eq. (3.1.4)

Imagine we are at z=0 (choose z=0 at the point of observation). Then, we look straight into the lightwave as the wave is coming straight to us, into our eyes.

Demo circular polarization

What we see here is that LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_131.png traces out a circle, rotating counterclockwise This is the case for |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_132.png|= |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_133.png| and LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_134.png.
Now, choosing LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_135.png, and keep |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_136.png|= |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_137.png| We see that it also traces a circle, but rotating clockwise!

Indeed, these are the two spin states of a photon. The convention we use here will be that the counter clockwise (looking at source) is called right-handed circular polarization, or positive, or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_138.png polarization. The clockwise is called left-handed circular polarization, or negative, or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_139.png polarization.

See more illustration in HW: circular polarization LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_141.png

3.3 General elliptic polarization

But in general, the phase difference can have any arbitrary value, not just ± π/2, and  |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_142.png|≠ |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_143.png|. We can see what happens:  

Demo general elliptic polarization

If Δφ=0 or ± π, we have linear polarization, as expected.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_145.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_146.gif       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_147.gif

More generally, we can have any shape of ellipse. this is called elliptic polarization.   

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_148.gif      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_149.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_150.gif      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_151.gif

We can see the general ellipse form in the follow.
First, note that another way to express LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_152.png is using vector dot product notation:
                                                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_153.png        (3.3.1)
Later, we will see this is also useful dealing with polarization changes through different optical elements.
At a fixed z position, such that LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_154.png, the ellipse is swept by the parametric plot of the E field for a as time varies:
                                                   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_155.png
Or:                                                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_156.png              (3.3.2)
                                                      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_157.png

It is straight-forward algebra (substitute Cos[ω t]) to reduce the relations:
                                                LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_158.png                (3.3.3)
to the form:               LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_159.png     (3.3.4)
Or:                             LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_160.png         (3.3.4a)
which we can recognize as an ellipse. Another form is:
            LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_161.png    (3.3.5a)
which gives us angles υ and υ+π/2 that the two ellipse principal axes make with the x-y axis:
                                            LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_162.png    (3.3.5b)
The two ellipse axes are plotted as the blue lines in the figure, and the two principal-axis components are shown as green and orange vectors.

But then, it is clear that elleptic polarization is the most general polarization since linear and circular are only 2 extremes of an ellipse: linear corresponds to an ellipse with zero minor axis and circular is an ellipse with equal axes.

Let  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_163.png, Then it is clearly linear polarization:
                                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_164.png = ( LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_165.png  |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_166.png|  +  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_167.png |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_168.png| )  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_169.png    (3.3.6)
The E field makes an angle ArcTan[|LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_170.png|/|LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_171.png| ] with the x axis. Linear polarization is also called P-polarization or π-polarization.
Let |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_172.png| = |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_173.png| = |A| ; and   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_174.png, then:
                                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_175.png                       (3.3.7)
which is indeed a circle, which is circular polarization.

Demo general elliptic polarization (repeat and review)

4. Polarization in empirical description and measurements

4.1 Discussion

Based on what we see in Section 3, what should we expect light around us and in various systems? Should every light be elliptically polarized, which can also be linear or circular in special cases? Also, how do we determine and measure the polarization of light?

As it turns out, we might be surprised that notwithstanding what we said in 3.3, we will find there is such a thing as “unpolarized light”: light without any polarization at all.
How can that be? Light wave must have vector E field, and it must have polarization, so how can light NOT have polarization, to be “unpolarized”?

The answer is that in practice, we deal with light composed of many many light waves. And when we say “polarization” of a light, we are not referring to the fundamental polarization of each component of that light, but the statistical ensemble average of all the components of that light.
Every component of a light, every photon must have a state of polarization, which is a linear combination of 2 fundamental states:
                                           LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_177.png
Here, we use the quantum notation of {p> in order to emphasize that any photon, fundamentally must have a polarization state.

But unless we look at a light source from a quantum transition with a definite a selection rule and definite polarization state, the light around us is comprised of an infinitely large numbers of photons from many different sources that have all different frequencies, phases, and polarizations and hence, as we take the time average, there is no dominant polarization and we say that the light is unpolarized - in the statistical sense.

An analogy is that every person is either male or female. If we take a group of people, say beer drinkers, we might say there are more males than females and the population may have a gender bias such as predominantly male. But if we take a group of people in a given town with sufficiently large population, we find out that there are statistically equal number of males and females, and hence, the population is neither male nor female. This is the same as saying some light is unpolarized, because on the average, all the polarizations of all the photons cancel each other out, resulting in no net electric field in any particular polarization in time average.

Below is an illustration.

Demo random polarization ensemble

Consider the ensemble-averaged polarization vector (black) as we increase the number of fundamental linearly polarized light wave, but the polarization vector is random.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_179.gif  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_180.gif  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_181.gifLectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_182.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_183.gif

It is crucial for us to distinguish “polarization” as a fundamental property of photon vs “polarization” as an empirical concept to describe the ensemble and time-averaged of all photons of a source of light. Thus, as we say some light is unpolarized or partially polarized, we do not mean that each photon of that light does not have polarization, which is false. We only mean that the average of all photon polarizations result in either no particular measureable polarization, or some polarization. (see example below).

Here is an example of “partially linear polarized light”

Demo partially polarized ensemble

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_184.gif

Notice that there is a preponderance of light with polarization along the vertical plane, hence, the ensemble-average polarization is not zero, but has a finite value in the vertical plane. Partially polarized light is simply light that has a distribution with a dominant state of polarization than others.

4.2 Practical measuring and effecting polarization

How do we determine light polarization?
The only way to know the polarization of a photon, is to destroy it, or its coherent partners if the photons are in a coherent state. That’s the measurement process. But if the source of photons can reliably produce similar photons, such as a stable laser, then we can say what we measure is likely also the polarization of all photons from that source.

Again, quantum theory consideration revisited

Can we determine the spin state, i. e. polarization LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_185.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_186.png a photon? Yes. Well known in atomic spectroscopy is the principle of conservation of angular momentum. A photon absorbed or emitted as an electron makes a transition between 2 states much make up for the change of angular momentum states of the electron.
Thus, a transition involving a difference of LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_187.png will require the absorption or emission of a LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_188.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_189.png photon. Note that the arbitrary convention of LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_190.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_191.png doesnot imply any abiguity here. Usually, the transition of LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_192.png requires an external field, often magnetic field to plit these levels. The axis of the field and the spin state energy levels define the axial geometry (a reference axis that the angular momentum is projected on) and the transition and the photon  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_193.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_194.png corresponds to actual photon spin state that is defined by the same axial geometry.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_195.gif     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_196.gif

Technology involving light polarization

But doing spectroscopy such as magnetic resonance is not practical. The most common and familar approach is to use linear polarizer, often made with highly elongated molecules. See various illustration below. (explanation in lecture).

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_197.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_198.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_199.gif

The molecules can be controlled externally and have interesting behavior between crystalline phase and liquid phase: liquid crystal used in LCD (liquid crystal display).

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_200.gif     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_201.gif   

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_202.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_203.gif      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_204.gif  

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_205.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_206.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_207.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_208.gif   

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_209.gif  

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_210.gif  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_211.gif         

However, not all polarization-effective devices involve special molecules or materials. Many simple optical phenomena have polarization effects as we will learn, and these effects can be applied to make polarization devices.
Most common polarization optical devices perform these functions (we will learn how they work later):
- Linear polarizer: discussed above: give linearly polarized output.
- phase plate retarder: this is a birefringence material that has anisotropic dielectric constant:  different polarizations have different indices of refraction. Thus light sent through such a device has a linear component, such as LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_212.png delay compared with LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_213.png, in other words, it acquires a phase difference compared with LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_214.png after getting through the device, 2 most common retarders are:
      a- Quarter-wave plate, which has a phase shift of π/2 (which is λ/4, hence, called quarter-wave). Convert LP into CP (HW) (and the reverse). (Give elliptically P light if not oriented at 45)
      b- Half-wave plate, or λ/2, has a phase shift of π. Rotate the LP by 90.  (Give elliptically P light if not oriented at 45)
- Fresnel Rhomb: can introduced a phase shift similarly to phase plate retarder above.
- There are other more complex devices for applications such as optical fiber communications.

λ/4: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_215.gif   

  λ/2   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_216.gif      

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_218.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_219.gif  
LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_220.gif     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_221.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_222.gif

Most of the time, we measure only intensity, (unless doing heterodyne detection) hence, we have to infer the polarization property of light by a number of measurements, using devices as mentioned.

4.3 Stokes parameters (or Stokes vector)

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_223.gif
Sir George Gabriel Stokes, 1st Baronet
13 August 1819 – 1 February 1903

To appreciate Stokes parameters, let’s imagine the following: we have a bunch of polarizing filters (such as those above) and can measure only the intensity of light. We want to know the polarization property of some light, how would we measure and determine?

Demo Stokes vector concept - intro

First, suppose we have the case below. Suppose we have LP light. Let’s use linear polarizers. If we use one, what happens if it is accidentally placed perpendicular to the light P? Well, we can use 2 to put them perpendicular to each other as shown below.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_225.gif

First, we can measure the power (or intensity) of LP at position 0 degree: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_226.png, and at 90 degree: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_227.png
The total intensity is:   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_228.png:               (4.3.1)
This is the first Stokes parameter.

If there is a difference between the power forLectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_229.png LP and LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_230.png LP, we can tell that there is some polarization.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_231.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_232.gif  

If there is LP, we should see a big difference between LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_233.png and LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_234.png. Hence, the second Stokes parameter is defined to measure the difference between them:
                                       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_235.png.               (4.3.2)
But we should normalize this quantity relative to the total power, which is:
                                        LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_236.png             (4.3.3)
If this quantity =1, the light is 100% linearly polarized along one of the chosen axis. But if it is zero, what can we tell? Does it mean the light is totally unpolarized?

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_237.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_238.gif    
we see that:                     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_239.png in this case.

Clearly, we would be wrong to jump to such a conclusion. So, how do we deal with this?
More LP please!

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_241.gif      LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_242.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_243.gif

By adding LP measurement along 45 and 135 degree, we cover all bases for LP. If one pair can’t tell the difference, the other pair surely would measure the maximum. Thus, we define the 3rd Stokes parameter:
                                               LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_244.png.                  (4.3.4)
and let’s write all parameters so far:
                                        LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_245.png       (4.3.5)

We can determine exactly the LP angle relative to our coordinates with these measurements. Note that we don’t care about the orientation of the LP’s: we can place them in anyway and never have to worry not able to detect linear polarization.

In other words, we can determine for sure how much polarization the light has. Can we really?

Demo Stokes vector concept - circular

We see a problem here:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_247.gif     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_248.gif     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_249.gif

If we have circular polarization, we will have: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_250.png
Hence:        LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_251.png      (4.3.6)
In fact, we can have 100% CP polarization but has no evidence of it!
The reason... is that we only measure LP so far!  

Hence, we will need one more parameter:
                    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_252.png                   (4.3.7)
This is the Stokes parameters, which can also be treated as a vector.

HW: Write an expression for the Stokes vector of general elliptically polarized light. Find the case for LP (states), CP (2 states) as the limit of the general elliptical polarization.

What happens if we have light that is 100% of the same polarization?
We will see that:           LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_254.png                     (4.3.8)
That is the reason we define the quantity:
                               LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_255.png                           (4.3.9)
to be the “degree of polarization” of a light, abbreviated as DOP.

Note: Some convention defines
                              LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_256.png                            (4.3.10)
but this expression is quadratic of intensity, while (4.3.9) is linear with respect to intensity.

If the light is made up of components that have completely random polarization relative to each other, that is given any polarization, the % of light with opposite polarization is equal to each other, then the Stokes vector is:
              LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_257.png ; and p=0        (4.3.11)

This is what we called totally “unpolarized light”.

Note: a sub-concept of DOP is DOLP: degree of linear polarization
                           LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_258.png        (4.3.12)
When DOP or DOLP >0 but <1, we say the light is “partially polarized”. We can say the fraction (“percentage”) of polarized light is p, or the % of LP is LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_259.png.

4.4 Decomposition and Poincaré sphere

When the light is partially polarized, it must have polarized and totally unpolarized components. Hence, one way to express this idea of separating them out is:
               LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_260.png   (4.4.1)

For the polarized component, a way to represent what it looks like is to use Poincaré sphere representation. The idea is simply to transform the normalized vector LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_261.png into a point on a sphere:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_263.gif   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_264.gif    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_265.gif

You can also see another representation below. But note that this representation DOES NOT relate the actual amplitude and phase of light component LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_266.png, LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_267.png to a point on the sphere like ours does. It uses DoP and ellipse angle that must be measured as input. Ours is more fundamental.

Since  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_268.png, when θ=0 or π (the point at north or south poles) it means that the polarization is 100% LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_269.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_270.png. At θ=π/2 (the equator), LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_271.png, which means there is no CP whatsover in the light, which means the light is 100% linear. Note the relationship that:
    LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_272.png   (4.4.2)
Hence, it is opposite to LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_273.png. The equator corresponds to max DOLP=1.

For the azimuthal angle φ: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_274.png, which can be shown to be: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_275.png where φ is the phase difference between LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_276.png and LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_277.png. This is twice the angle of the ellipse major axis relative to the x-axis.

The usefulness of Poincaré sphere is that by looking a point on the Sphere, we can immediately visualize the state of polarization: near equator: LP, near the poles: CP. In between: EP. The azimuthal angle itself is not very fundamental, since it is only relative to one of the axis we initially set as the axis for LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_278.png  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_279.png axis).

A further note. Eq (4.4.1) above is not the only way of separating polarized and unpolarized light. For example, supposed we are interested only in LP light. We can define a Stokes vector:
                LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_280.png     (4.4.3)

The remaining component is:
                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_281.png   (4.4.4)

Of course, we can again separate LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_282.png:
          LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_283.png   (4.4.5)
       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_284.png   (4.4.6)

Thus, in principle, we can measure different polarized components of a source of light.

Some illustration: polarization imaging research

Link to Yi and Yang research. Mueller scattering matrix.

5. Jones vector & matrix

5.1 Polarization state and Jones vector.

Polarization states belong to a two-dimensional space and any 2 linearly independent vectors can form a basis set. The two most natural bases are linear polarization and circularly polarization.
We implicit use linear polarization basis in Section 3 above by expressing the E field in terms of orthonormal basis LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_285.png
                             LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_286.png        (3.3.1) (5.1.1)

The light instantaneous intensity is proportional to:
                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_287.png    (5.1.2)
We describe the polarization state of an electric field with
                        LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_288.png LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_289.png, or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_290.pngLectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_291.png            (5.1.3)
which, we refer to as a Jones vector.

Examples: vector LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_292.png is linear polarization along x axis (the ± sign is not important).
LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_293.png is linear polarization along y axis. LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_294.png is linear polarization making an angle θ with x axis.

How would we describe a circular polarization?
We see clearly that the requirement for LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_295.png is:
                                        |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_296.png| = |LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_297.png| = |A| ; and   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_298.png. Thus:
A LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_299.png-state is                        LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_300.png;        (5.1.4a)
and a LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_301.png-state is                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_302.png;             (5.1.4b)

These two states are clearly orthonormal by taking their dot product:
                            LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_303.png  (5.1.5)

We can see                     LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_304.png;                    (5.1.6)
Or:                                LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_305.png                           (5.1.7)
Hence, we can convert a Jones vector in the linear polarization basis to that in the circular polarization basis and vice versa with the transformation:
                                            LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_306.png                   (5.1.8a)
                                             LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_307.png                   (5.1.8b)

Of course we can make any arbitrary basis with any non-singular transformation matrix.

What is the use of this description? We will see that it can help tracking the polarization of light as it goes through a device or system. A device effect on polarization can be described with a matrix, and the output is simply a transformation of the input Jones vector by the device matrix.

5.2 Jones matrix

5.2.1 Definition

As light goes through an optical device, from something as simple as the reflection from an interface of a dielectric, the transmission through a thin optical film, or through an optical fiber, a waveguide modulator... (more about this topic later on), its polarization usually changes. The change is usually a linear process and thus, can be expressed as a matrix transformation.
A most general expression is:
                                   LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_308.png            (5.2.1)
Because most optical devices have frequency-dependency, we include the ω term. But for simplicity, we can drop it here. The matrix:                LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_309.png            (5.2.2)
is called the Jones matrix. It represents the effect of the device on the state of polarization vector.
A system may have several devices, hence, the effect of the polarization can be obtain by simply multiplying the Jones matrix for each device sequentially:
                 LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_310.png         (5.2.3)

5.2.2 Common examples

For a linear polarizer plate, it absorbs almost all light in one axis and transmits light on the other axis. The Jones matrix is:
                  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_311.png    ; or       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_312.png         (5.2.4)
which shows the absorption on the y-component or x-component polarization.

For wave retarders, the Jones matrix here is:
                  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_313.png                     (5.2.5)
which shows a differential phase shift Δφ between the two polarizations.
As discussed above, if Δφ = -π/2, it’s called a quarter-wave retarder,
if φ = -π   it’s called a half-wave retarder
Example: Define:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_314.png

as the Jones matrix of a phase plate of 2 π φ retardation of the y -axis.

Thus, if we input a LP at 45 degree of a λ/4 wave plate:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_315.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_316.png

which is a circular polarization LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_317.png . We can illustrate as follow:

Demo polarizer plate with retarded axis

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_318.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_320.gif       LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_321.gif
input: linear pol (green); output: LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_322.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_323.png (red), depending which input angle (45 or 135). This is for λ/4

We see that a P-wave 45 degree with the axis through a 1/4-wave plate is transformed into either LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_324.png or LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_325.png depending on
                        LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_326.png   or  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_327.png

If input angle θ is different from a multiple of 45 degree (π/4), it will give an elliptic polarization:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_328.gif  

For the below, we see that a P-wave 45 degree with the axis through a 1/2-wave plate is flipped across an axis, resulting in 90 degree rotation:

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_329.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_330.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_331.png

More generally,

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_332.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_333.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_334.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_335.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_336.png

5.2.3 More general consideration

It may appear that the Jones matrices for many simple optical devices are diagonal:
                            LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_337.png       
but that is not true generally. Actually, mode coupling, which involves off-diagonal terms LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_338.png  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_339.png are quite common, such as waveguides, or devices that light bounces more than once, or devices without a certain principal plane that preserve the separation of polarization such as transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM). In addition, a diagonal matrix in one basis, such as LP, is not necessarily diagonal in another basis such as CP. Lastly, a real system with combination of multiple devices would likely have polarization cross coupling.

Consider for example, the reflection from a perfect metal.

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_340.gif

Again, the Jones matrix is diagonal. But let’s see what happens if we use the basis of CP.
From Eq.
                                            LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_341.png                   (5.1.8a)
                                             LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_342.png                   (5.1.8b)

                         LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_343.png           (5.2.6)

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_344.png

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_345.png

Thus:                         LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_346.png           (5.2.7)
which have off-diagonal elements. This means that an input LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_347.png will become output LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_348.png and vice versa.

  LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_349.gif

LectSet 3 - Light polarization_p_M11_350.gif  

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