This is only for homework when you can't run various demos in Mathematica.

About running APPs

  • If you have Mathematica(R), download the .nb APP files.
  • If you don't have Mathematica(R), you will need to download Wolfram CDF player plugin (check for compatibility with your browser, e. g. Firefox, IE, Safari), which allows you to run the APPs below. If you use MS Windows, you need ActiveX (which is disabled in newer browsers), however, you can get IE tab plug-in to run it like in the old IE browser.
  • The best alternative when not having Mathematica is to obtain a free standing CDF player, then you can download .cdf APP files to run.

HW APPs pages

  • HW Apps page 3
  • HW Apps page 4
    • HW Apps page 5
      • HW Apps page 7
      • HW Apps page 8
        • HW Apps page 9

Homework 1

What is the frequency of this lightwave? Why do you think the electron oscillates along with the E field, while it is negatively charged and the force -eE should be opposite to E field?


Homework 2


Subpages (2): HWApps page 2 HWApps page 3 HWApps page 4 HWApps page 5 HWApps page 6 HWApps page 7 HWApps page 8 HWApps page 9